Characteristics of Pallet Storage Shelves
Characteristics of Pallet Storage Shelves
1. What are pallet storage shelves
Pallet storage shelf are generally heavy duty storage racks, also known as beam type racks and position type racks, which are more common in many storage equipment systems of enterprises. It can be used for small-variety and large-batch items and multiple-variety and small-batch items. It is a widely-used design scheme used in high-level storage and ultra-high-level storage.
2. The characteristics of pallet storage shelves
2.1 The pallet storage shelf has high load-bearing capacity and large span. The length is mainly determined by the size of the pallet. A storage rack can hold 2 conventional pallets. A single pallet can carry more than 3 tons, and only one pallet can be placed on each layer.
2.2 The structure of the pallet storage shelf is stable and the load-bearing requirement is high. For the stability of the pallet storage shelf, the foot should be installed with expansion screws to ensure the stability of the pallet storage rack.
2.3 Pallet storage shelves do not need layers, just install span beams on the beams. Generally, 2–3 span beams are installed in a pallet position, which will maximize cost savings.
2.4 The number of layers of pallet storage shelves can be set according to factors such as the height of the warehouse and the height of the cargo space. The bottom layer can be used without beams, and the tray can be placed directly on the ground.
2.5 Pallet storage shelves have a high utilization rate, flexible, convenient and fast storage, supplemented by computer management or selection, pallet shelving can usually meet the needs of modern storage management systems.
As a warehouse rack company, we will provide high quality types of warehouse shelving for sale, any need, please contact us.